Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It’s Not About Money, It’s About How You Like Your Life

Money. So many clichés. I do need some. I do like it. But it can become a burden. Getting money, having it, using it, losing it. All these aspects are often tangled up in emotions.

The way I get my money is by teaching. And I truly enjoy teaching but am getting ever tired of the tasks, forced upon me by the government, that take my time away from my students. I love planning lessons, I love it when a kid says, “This is fun!” and I’m thrilled when I see progress in their writing skills. I just wish it weren’t such a burden - the paperwork, the administration, the parental expectations.

Money seems to be the driving force. Money pits school against school to see who gets the money, er, excuse me, the A+ money. Now we are blackmailed into a program that would pit teacher against teacher for a bonus that’s just not worth it.

I don’t like my job, my life, when I feel like I’m being manipulated. I don’t like being part of such a corrupt system. It’s less and less about the child and more and more about the money. Show me the money? No thanks!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Poem a Day Challenge Day 28

Although this was day 28 it was my last one written. It's a sestina using iambic pentameter - whew - a real fun challenge - one of my favs!

By The Sea

Awakening to a morning glorious
She puts on the wide brimmed hat for a walk
Anxious for what she will soon discover
Three blocks down she can distinguish the waves
It’s early and time for the sun’s kindness
It’s early and time for the wind’s mercy

She walks in affection and in mercy
Bright gold hypericums are glorious
Surf immerses tender toes in kindness
So sweet is every novel morning’s walk
Slender sea oats on the dunes sigh and wave
Serenity is her discovery

Back at her bungalow she discovers
A basket of fruit left there in mercy
Looking around, her neighbor nods and waves
Pineapple, mango all so glorious
Sustenance to continue in her walk
Through friend and stranger both is warm kindness

At her desk she writes in simple kindness
To tell of wonders she has discovered
With her words they along her path, too, walk
Filled with her spirit of cheerful mercy
On page in syllables glorious
New and marvelous words appear in waves

Afternoon clouds roll on gently waving
The seagull’s chatter to her ears is kind
Her prayers are soft, soaring up to glory
Her joy refreshed, renewed, rediscovered
Praises sung to God for all His mercies
Grateful even now for the days she’s walked

Down this solitary road she has walked
Recollections flood over her in waves
She takes comfort now in tender mercies
Not lonely, surrounds herself in kindness
Her joy yet by others undiscovered
‘Tis faith and hope and love- ‘tis glorious!

How glorious are steps upon her walk
Discoveries of life appear in waves
Kindness comes to take her home in mercy