Wednesday, November 2, 2011

On top of teaching school and ALL that entails , writing articles for, and working just a tad on my works-in-progress, I am now doing the November PAD (Poem a Day) Challenge. The first one could be a procrastination or a practive poem. Here is my mix of both, because I do sometimes procrastinate about doing certain things, but it's because others things get there first and I think it's all important. Which it isn't. So sometimes I go in circles.

Here's my effort...

Postponed Push

In between procrastination
And proactivation
I put off pleasures
As I putter
Frantically fretting
The list goes on
Neverending burdens
Frittering my hours
As a dedicated dawdler
My commission, my mission
A quest for time
From later to leisure
One day I say
When I'm finished
When it's done

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